La Fantasia di Beba

Directed by Lidia Ravviso

year 2021    

Director Lidia Ravviso rewrites the story of sex workers depicted in romantic Italian movies in the 70s and 80s in this erotic movie. Beba is an intelligent, confident and independent woman who deliberately follows the oversimplified stereotypes regarding Italian sex workers. She consciously chooses to emulate these stereotypes that are ignorant at best by dolling up in symbolic red shoes, a short dress and with her lips painted a deep red colour. Ravviso uses Beba as a figure for her rejection of the depiction of sex workers and the way in which they are stigmatised and victimised. Beba is a sex worker who works with free agency and chooses this work for her own pleasure. Likewise, Eros Braciola plays the stereotypical male pimp who plans to take control of the situation and use Beba by getting her to sleep with him for free. But, little does he know that Beba is more powerful than the stereotype she has been given.


Trailer & Behind the scenes
